5 reasons why having a skincare routine is important

Having a skincare routine is crucial to ensuring a healthy glowing skin throughout your lifetime. 

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it performs such an amazing job protecting us from the harsh environmental conditions it is exposed to. But even it is susceptible to the many impurities, toxic particles and various skin issues that it is frequently exposed. That is why having a good, consistent skincare routine is vital to maintaining a strong, elastic and glowing skin.

This amazing organ does so much more than the outward appearances it radiates. The skin is the first line defence against harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins and environmental forces that pose a risk to your health. Additionally, it is responsible for regulating your body temperature, via perspiration and blood flow modifications.  Furthermore, the skin protects against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, and also plays a pivotal role in the production of Vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health and the immune system. To perform this vast array of absolutely necessary bodily functions surely this makes your skin most deserving of some Tender Loving Care!

Here are our 5 reasons why having a good skincare routine is important for ensuring a healthy, hydrated, nourished and glowing skin.

1 –  Having a skincare routine aids in the fight against infection and disease

Whilst the skin does an incredible job of protecting us, it still needs help. Developing a skin care routine with natural skin care products, such as our Forbidden Beauty skin care range, ensures you avoid adding to the body’s toxic load. Our Read your skincare labels article (from the Articles menu) highlights the importance of ensuring you are aware of what ingredients are in the skin care products you are currently using. Just because you love a product doesn’t mean your body is enjoying it also.

2 – Having great looking skin will give you more confidence and better mental health

Your mental health and overall well being can be influenced by how you, and others perceive your appearance. Having clean, smooth and well-looked-after skin will help your confidence and emotional well-being.

3 – Prevention is better than the cure

It is so much easier to prevent skin damage than trying to fix it. Plus, visits to dermatologists, and the various treatments for skin issues, don’t come cheap.  By committing to a good skin care routine into your lifestyle now, you will have less need for expensive consultations and products later, thus saving you time, money and stress. Plus it will combat, or dramatically reduce, the occurrence of skin issues, such as premature ageing, wrinkles, sun spots and scarring, that may increasingly appear as you age.

4 – Improves skin hydration

Keeping your skin hydrated, and drinking adequate amounts of fresh water, are essential to maintaining good skin health. Dehydrated, dry and flakey skin condition can be alleviated by ensuring the skin care products you use have moisture=pulling elements in them. This is why Forbidden Beauty have included hyaluronic acid as a key ingredient in all our skin care moisturisers.

5 – A good skincare routine is vital for healthy ageing

On average our skin cells regenerate every month or so, revealing a fresh healthy layer of new skin. However this timeline extends as we get older as this natural collagen production slows down. That is why we include quality exfoliating mitts into our Forbidden Beauty range, so you can remove the dead skin to keep your skin feeling soft and smooth. Additionally, hydrating your skin with quality natural skin care products (such as our Forbidden Beauty SkinCare range) will help maintain a healthy complexion throughout your years.

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